Friday, 26 October 2012

Urban Space

As i have chosen to take photographs of empty streets in their natural beauty I thought it would be good to research the Urban Space and how other photographers have used it to create their own style.Even though I have studied the great work of the old street photographers, there style was evolved round their time and surrounds I must adapt my research to the way that I work and my surroundings.

Examples of the work
This image is a great example of using old technique to bring vintage aesthetic to the modern world. I can make a logical guess to what camera this was taken on, a 5x4 as the image is portrait and the top of the image has been disrupted by something very close withing the camera which is a typical affect when working with these cameras. I also really like the shadows of the bridge and how it follows the dark and contrasting theme to the photograph. This is how I wish my photographs to look like when I shoot in the near future. I wish to capture the way that the streets of my town look on the twilight hour of the early morning and evening. This will bring the dark affect and keep the traditional town which seem to be forgotten in these hours.

This image below I have chosen for a different, it is the way that the subject is being shown and how its character and reality go hand in hand within this photograph. By this I mean that from the image you can see the it is a big status building and may carry a lot of authority within its walls. When looking at the photograph form a connotative point of view you can see that the angle of view that the photographer has given the viewer is very low and inferior to that of the building. This is a great way showing an in depth piece of information in a short amount of time and it is what I would like to do through out this project and show reality not just through seeing but through reading the image as well.  

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