Thursday 25 October 2012


For this project i would like to have an aim to my images apart from being just vintage. By this i mean by coherently keeping with one theme and putting my own twist on it and using the techniques I have already researched to present it.

What do I Want to Achieve
At the end of this project I would like to have a set of two images that both show the subject, similar to that of Gabriele Basilico with his great empty streets and the in depth detail he shows.

Gabriele Basilico
This image is a great example of what I am looking for. The photograph has a very ordered and modern approach to its composition. I really enjoy this image as it almost looks like it has been solarised but could not be due to the lower half being in the right.

Why this subject 
The reason for doing this subject for my vintage is because by doing urban landscape I can show all these different lines that you would not normally see. This subject also work really well with the techniques which I have researched and plan on doing more on work.

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