Saturday, 20 October 2012

Scratching And Burning Negatives

Photoshop can manipulate images without harming the original image  with film it is a different story and you must harm the negative to create a real texture and effect. A couple of these affects are scratching and burning which is what i will be doing for myself in the future.

Scratchings clue is in its name to what it is all you do it scratch the negative where you would like the effect. This effect works very well on portrait as you can use it as a textured framing.

As you can see with this image by scratching the negative the created has turned it into a drawn looking image. By doing this you confuse the viewer into looking for realism as we have been made to look for within a drawing but yet it is, a photograph. This effect also fit in with the vintage aspect as this makes the image look like an older photo and it has been aged.    

Again it is a very simple and easy technique to apply to your negative as you just burn them. As i said this is simple but if you burn the negative for to long, otherwise you will loose all detail within it and it will be useless.
This image is the perfect balance between the two you can see the image and see the subject but are brought away by the burning affect. As you can see by doing this effect the image almost becomes secondary to the effect.  This effect is one that cant be used lightly due to its mass effect Never the less it's vintage style is still used today by a mass market. 

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