What are they?
Pinholes are technically the first basic cameras that could take crisp photographs straight onto the photographic darkroom paper. They are made from anything which is light tight and it can hold the paper. They are just small holes that create a camera opscera onto the paper and create the reaction with the silver haylides.
My pinhole photographs
These photographs have already been scanned in through view scan and inverted to make the image positive.
This image has come out really well in the fact i have even got an image as the aspect of pinhole maybe simple but is a different thing when practicing it. The focus of this image is a little soft but this is due to me being to close and the hole was too big. The day this was taking it was a cloudy and unpredictable day for doing pinhole as the exposure is changing all the time as the clouds are moving.
This image is still a good as it again has been able to produce a reasonable image and it is clear but the focus is not spot on but when working with pinholes everything is guess work and you must take you time on improving from past mistakes.
This is by far my best image because not only is there a picture that is in focus there is also a great tonal range from my jet blacks to the the pearly white. When using pinhole you must choose carefully what you are going to take pictures of as you want to make the image as best as it can be so picking a place with the sky and obstructions are usually the most chosen as they have all the great aspects of a film and digital photo but on a pinhole.
This photograph has been demolished due to a really easily made mistake of putting the paper backward into the pinhole itself. But even though I have don't this i can see that my exposure was to long as the sides have been over exposed.
At the end of the day pinhole has great potential to be great for taking image but you must have good patience and time for it as it is one of the most time consuming markets of photography. But as you can see you can get image that are just as good as film on these but it is just remembering that you must change exposure for anything that happens within you shot.